Résultats de recherche pour : 'Bmc car'
Filtre conique BMC MEGANE II RS 2.0 225CV 2004-2008130,91 €
Filtre à air BMC composé d'un maillage en alliage avec revêtement époxy contenant un matériau de filtration en coton multicouche huilé permettant un haut niveau d'efficacité de filtrage (filtrant les plus petites impuretés jusqu'à 7 microns !) et un débit d'air amélioré par rapport au filtre d'origine de votre véhicule.
Ce filtre remplace et s'adapte exactement à la forme du filtre d'origine pour une installation aisée dans la boîte à air, sans aucune modification à apporter.
Réutilisable et lavable grâce aux produits d'entretien BMC, ce filtre donne à coup sûr un bon bol d'air pour le moteur de votre voiture !
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Filtre à air moto BMC SUZ. GSX-R 1000 05-08396,60 €
Filtre à air haute performance, de marque BMC, présentant un support 100% fibre de carbone et un matériau de filtration en coton multicouche huilé, permettant un haut niveau d'efficacité de filtrage et une optimisation de la dynamique d'écoulement de l'air direct dans le moteur. Le filtre CRF a été conçu dans le but de résister aux vibrations et à la chaleur produites par le mouvement à la fois sur route normale et sur piste intensive.
Le filtre CRF, comme tous les filtres BMC, peut être régénéré et réutilisé. Une fois le niveau de saturation atteint, le filtre peut être régénéré grâce à un processus de lavage et de regraissage à l'aide du kit de lavage BMC approprié.
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Filtre conique BMC CLIO III RS 2.0 F1 200CV 2005-2008119,00 €
Filtre à air BMC composé d'un maillage en alliage avec revêtement époxy contenant un matériau de filtration en coton multicouche huilé permettant un haut niveau d'efficacité de filtrage (filtrant les plus petites impuretés jusqu'à 7 microns !) et un débit d'air amélioré par rapport au filtre d'origine de votre véhicule.
Ce filtre remplace et s'adapte exactement à la forme du filtre d'origine pour une installation aisée dans la boîte à air, sans aucune modification à apporter.
Réutilisable et lavable grâce aux produits d'entretien BMC, ce filtre donne à coup sûr un bon bol d'air pour le moteur de votre voiture !
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CDA BMC pr AUDI A3- SKODA - SEAT- VW300,49 €Boitier d'admission dynamique CDA BMC en carbone spécialement prévu pour les modèles suivants:AUDI A3 + Cabriolet (8P) 1.6 16VAUDI A3 + Cabriolet (8P) 2.0 FSISEAT Altea / Altea XL / Freetrack 1.6 8VSEAT Altea / Altea XL / Freetrack 2.0 FSISEAT Leon II 1.6 16V 102cvSEAT Toledo 2.0 FSISKODA Octavia II 1.6 16VSKODA Octavia II 2.0 FSIVW EOS (1F7, 1F8) 2.0 FSIVW GOLF V / GOLF Plus (1K1, 1K5, AJ5, 5M1, 521) 1.6 16VVW Golf V / GOLF Plus (2.0 FSI)VW Passat (3B3/3B6) 1.6 16VVW Passat (3B3:3b6° 2.0 fsiVW Touran (1T) 2.0 FSIEn savoir plus
Boitier admission CDA BMC universel 6cyl et V8 - 100mm diam.303,77 €Ce kit d'admission CDA BMC est composé d'une boîte à air cylindrique 100% fibre de carbone contenant à l'intérieur le filtre lavable et régénérable. Ce kit est également vendu avec ses accessoires de montage et tube flexible en aluminium.Le composé en carbone bénéficie d'une faible conductivité thermique permettant une isolation performante contre la chaleur du moteur: l'air frais est acheminé directement vers le filtre, isolé thermiquement à l'intérieur de la boîte à air en carbone, puis acheminé vers le moteur via un déflecteur de flux d'air avec une perte de puissance minimale.Le système de filtration CDA est relié à une prise d'air frontale via un tube flexible en aluminium.Grâce à cette admission d'air dynamique, vous obtenez un véritable système de suralimentation dynamique, un débit d'air plus important, une pression plus élevée et un air plus froid qui contribuent à augmenter considérablement les performances du moteur à la fois en termes de puissance et de couple.En savoir plus
Filtre air conique carburateurBMC chrome droit diam 55 mm76,96 €
Filtre conique BMC en version Single Air - avec un flux d'air latéral unique - pour admission directe d'air, qui peut être installé sur la plupart des types de moteurs en retirant la boîte à air d'origine. Les filtres coniques d'induction directe BMC sont fabriqués avec un caoutchouc rouge caractéristique qui permet une connexion à l'admission particulièrement résistante aux vibrations moteur et à la chaleur, sans subir de déformations dues aux températures élevées. La maille de filtration spéciale permet la production de filtres avec une puissance allant jusqu'à 700 chevaux sans présenter de problèmes de déformation du filtre.
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Admission dynamique OTA BMC univ waterproof jusque 1600cc311,40 €This is a complete kit for engine air intake and filtration. It consists mainly of an oval carbon fibre air box containing a cylindrical air filter with dynamic inlet. The OTA kit completely replaces the car's stock air-box."WP' stands for 'Waterproof', the new OTA line, specially designed for off-road conditions and harsh environments (water, desert).Normally, stock air-boxes work in these conditions, because the air is drawn back by the engine in 'negative pressure', through tubes of reduced cross-section, resulting in a sharp drop in charge along the intake line. The OTA device, with its dynamic inlet, operates in 'pressure mode' and therefore supplies a constant, high quantity of air to the engine, taking advantage of the dynamic effect of air pressure.In addition to its oval shape, which offers great flexibility of installation, the OTA system introduces technical solutions on the inside that optimise fluid dynamics from the air to the engine. In particular, the innovative "TRUMPET" element, located inside the airbox in the area close to the air outlet, thanks to its shape, favours and optimises the transport of the air flow towards the engine, resulting in reduced turbulence. This solution reduces the pressure drop along the engine intake line and, at the same time, takes advantage of the potential for dynamic air pressure caused by the speed of the moving car.The air filter inside airbox 1 is made of a pre-oiled multi-layer filter material that guarantees high filtration efficiency against a limited pressure drop in the air. The function of the air filter is to protect the engine from all elements (debris, sand, dust, etc.) present in the air flow to the engine during the intake phase. The BMC air filter has a very low pressure drop (i.e. the difference in pressure between the air flow on the engine side and that on the air inta En savoir plusKit admission dynamique OTA BMC universel - jusque 1600cc299,51 €This is a complete kit for engine air intake and filtration. It consists mainly of an oval carbon fibre air box containing a cylindrical air filter with dynamic inlet. The OTA kit completely replaces the car's stock air-box."WP' stands for 'Waterproof', the new OTA line, specially designed for off-road conditions and harsh environments (water, desert).Normally, stock air-boxes work in these conditions, because the air is drawn back by the engine in 'negative pressure', through tubes of reduced cross-section, resulting in a sharp drop in charge along the intake line. The OTA device, with its dynamic inlet, operates in 'pressure mode' and therefore supplies a constant, high quantity of air to the engine, taking advantage of the dynamic effect of air pressure.In addition to its oval shape, which offers great flexibility of installation, the OTA system introduces technical solutions on the inside that optimise fluid dynamics from the air to the engine. In particular, the innovative "TRUMPET" element, located inside the airbox in the area close to the air outlet, thanks to its shape, favours and optimises the transport of the air flow towards the engine, resulting in reduced turbulence. This solution reduces the pressure drop along the engine intake line and, at the same time, takes advantage of the potential for dynamic air pressure caused by the speed of the moving car.The air filter inside airbox 1 is made of a pre-oiled multi-layer filter material that guarantees high filtration efficiency against a limited pressure drop in the air. The function of the air filter is to protect the engine from all elements (debris, sand, dust, etc.) present in the air flow to the engine during the intake phase. The BMC air filter has a very low pressure drop (i.e. the difference in pressure between the air flow on the engine side and that on the air inta En savoir plusAdmission dynamique OTA BMC univ. waterproof plus de 1600cc323,30 €This is a complete kit for engine air intake and filtration. It consists mainly of an oval carbon fibre air box containing a cylindrical air filter with dynamic inlet. The OTA kit completely replaces the car's stock air-box."WP' stands for 'Waterproof', the new OTA line, specially designed for off-road conditions and harsh environments (water, desert).Normally, stock air-boxes work in these conditions, because the air is drawn back by the engine in 'negative pressure', through tubes of reduced cross-section, resulting in a sharp drop in charge along the intake line. The OTA device, with its dynamic inlet, operates in 'pressure mode' and therefore supplies a constant, high quantity of air to the engine, taking advantage of the dynamic effect of air pressure.In addition to its oval shape, which offers great flexibility of installation, the OTA system introduces technical solutions on the inside that optimise fluid dynamics from the air to the engine. In particular, the innovative "TRUMPET" element, located inside the airbox in the area close to the air outlet, thanks to its shape, favours and optimises the transport of the air flow towards the engine, resulting in reduced turbulence. This solution reduces the pressure drop along the engine intake line and, at the same time, takes advantage of the potential for dynamic air pressure caused by the speed of the moving car.The air filter inside airbox 1 is made of a pre-oiled multi-layer filter material that guarantees high filtration efficiency against a limited pressure drop in the air. The function of the air filter is to protect the engine from all elements (debris, sand, dust, etc.) present in the air flow to the engine during the intake phase. The BMC air filter has a very low pressure drop (i.e. the difference in pressure between the air flow on the engine side and that on the air inta En savoir plusAdmission dynamique OTA BMC univ. waterproof plus de 1600cc347,11 €This is a complete kit for engine air intake and filtration. It consists mainly of an oval carbon fibre air box containing a cylindrical air filter with dynamic inlet. The OTA kit completely replaces the car's stock air-box."WP' stands for 'Waterproof', the new OTA line, specially designed for off-road conditions and harsh environments (water, desert).Normally, stock air-boxes work in these conditions, because the air is drawn back by the engine in 'negative pressure', through tubes of reduced cross-section, resulting in a sharp drop in charge along the intake line. The OTA device, with its dynamic inlet, operates in 'pressure mode' and therefore supplies a constant, high quantity of air to the engine, taking advantage of the dynamic effect of air pressure.In addition to its oval shape, which offers great flexibility of installation, the OTA system introduces technical solutions on the inside that optimise fluid dynamics from the air to the engine. In particular, the innovative "TRUMPET" element, located inside the airbox in the area close to the air outlet, thanks to its shape, favours and optimises the transport of the air flow towards the engine, resulting in reduced turbulence. This solution reduces the pressure drop along the engine intake line and, at the same time, takes advantage of the potential for dynamic air pressure caused by the speed of the moving car.The air filter inside airbox 1 is made of a pre-oiled multi-layer filter material that guarantees high filtration efficiency against a limited pressure drop in the air. The function of the air filter is to protect the engine from all elements (debris, sand, dust, etc.) present in the air flow to the engine during the intake phase. The BMC air filter has a very low pressure drop (i.e. the difference in pressure between the air flow on the engine side and that on the air inta En savoir plus